Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp
Pittsburgh, PA June 2, 2013- Exploring the homoerotic subtext of the superhero culture at the Pittsburgh GLCC.
The GLCC is showcasing the artwork of local and international artists in the comic book genre. If you grew up with comics and graphic novels, you may have noticed: The incredible bodies in flamboyant and skin-tight outfits. The leading of double lives. The intense male/ male relationships. The strange, unusual and even “unnatural” powers. Maybe it was the lack of positive gay role models in the mainstream culture or maybe all superheroes ARE kinda gay.
Things have progressed a bit from Northstar to Batwoman to a gay wedding in Archie. This show is meant to explore and celebrate all the hints, the winks & nods and the glorious camp that occurred over time.
Show opens Sunday, June 2nd 6-9pm. Free admission, Free drinks & snacks, Free parking downtown. Wear a cape.
Exhibition runs from: Sunday June 2nd to Sept. 25th.
Gallery Opening: Show opens Sunday, June 2nd 6-9pm.
Pittsburgh Gay & Lesbian Community Center provides the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) individuals, their families and supporters in Western Pennsylvania with resources and opportunities to promote visibility, understanding and equality within the LGBT communities and the community-at-large. The GLCC will work toward these goals through education, social support, networking and advocacy.
210 Grant St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Labels: art show, comics, curating, galleries, glbt, glcc, graphic novels, lgbt, openings, pgh, pgh art, superheroes, trans
Automatic drawing is one of those
things that has probably always been around... but was taken
seriously and given a name by the Surrealists.
control of mark making. Once free of rational oversight; the
subconscious might be revealed. It is the opposite of illustration.
You do not see the drawing until it is drawn. A way to access the
right side of the brain.
The key is to relax. Relaxation can be
aided by meditation or classical music... something with binural
beats. Try to achieve a trance like state.
This is drawing with a
sense of “wu wei” (doing nothing properly. )

Labels: art, auto, automatic drawing, ink sketch, meditation, right side of brain, subconscious, surealism, taoism
I will have artwork in Detroit, May 10 & 11 at the Tangent Gallery. Tattoo-inspired artwork of all mediums will be on gallery display from more than 150 local, national and international artists. INK serves to examine and celebrate the art, culture, lifestyle, history, anthropology and sociology of tattoos, tattooing, and being tattooed. The practice of permanently inking the body spans all cultures, religions and lifestyles throughout history.
Tangent Gallery / Hastings Street Ballroom
715 East Milwaukee St, Detroit, Michigan 48202
Also a little closer to home:
I'll have a piece in the Brew House on the South Side. A site-specific work designed to take into account the distinctive elements of The Brew House gallery. Focusing on psycho-geography—interacting with a city in a manner that emphasizes playfulness around urban environments. Opening Reception Friday, May 10th 7:00-9:00pm. The Brew House. 2100 Mary Street. Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Next Monday is the auction for PERSADs Art for Change.
Get a ticket and put your bid in for my work and for the collaboration piece between me and Lauren Toohey. Monday, May 13 at the August Wilson Center for some great art, delicious food, fantastic drinks, amazing entertainment and the best party in the city!
Labels: art, brew house, detroit, falcor, ink, persad, pgh, southside