Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp
1. Respect “the genius of a place.”
2. Subordinate details to the whole.
3. The art is to conceal art.
4. Aim for the unconscious.
5. Avoid fashion for fashion’s sake.
6. Formal training isn’t required.
7. Words matter.
8. Stand for something.
9. Utility trumps ornament.
10. Never too much, hardly enough.
from Frederick Law Olmsted, the father of American landscape architecture.
In some ways it's not a bad idea.
Face it, most restaurants and coffee shops probably get more foot traffic than your local galleries.
If you want to be seen, to get your work out there; its not a bad idea.
But, make the most of it.
Visit the place before you ask to show your work in it. Does the demographic or personality of the clientele appear to be a good match for our art?
Large bold work will probably get noticed more. I suppose that is true for art shown anywhere. But if the lighting in this place is bad and your work is subltle and small.... it may not be worth it.
Framing/ presentation should be battle ready. There is a bigger chance the art will be touched, bumped or jostled. Your art should be coated, covered and resistant to damage.
Make the most of your tags. It's less likely the serving staff will take the time to try and sell your work. And it's unlikely you will hang out there everyday so, a clearly marked tag should do the talking for you.
And since so few of you know how to make a tag let me say this again:
The top line should be title of the work, Underlined. Art titles are underlined or italicized, not "in quotes".
Then your name on every tag.... Every.Tag. No really. Do it.
You are putting yourself out there already, at least make them remember your name.
The third line varies.... often the size and/or materials. Sometimes it may be a brief story behind the work or a special notation. Personally I think materials is more important than size... since they can see how big it is on the wall.
And lastly the price. You can also put NFS or "Not For Sale" or "Price upon Request" or POR... but if you do that you may want to include an email address or someway they can actually contact you.
I was at a show recently where the artist did not put his name on the tags BUT he did have the name of sponsor.... the people who supplied his materials on every tag.
Do I remember who this artist is? Nope.
Do I remember the sponsor...? What do you think?
It's not rocket science, folks.
Back in February I was given a flyer for this event. They were raising money for BikePGH. The challenge for me was making a painting with a bike theme. I went the naughty/ pinup route. And I was fortunate enough to sell. Thanks to the buyer.

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ImageShack.usBut seriously... BikePGH is a worthy cause. This city needs more bike lanes and more bikers. For some reason the trolls argue that riding a bike somehow REDUCES our standard of living.... cause you know exercising more, spending less money and contributing less pollution TOTALLY equals a lower standard of living.....
Labels: art, art pgh, bike
But not just any Thursday... it's also Cinco de Mayo as well. And you know what THAT means... a reason to drink.
Yes, we will appropriate any holiday if we can get sloshed.
But before play time, i must take care of business.
I'm dropping off my painting for the Tsunami Victims fundraiser.
Then off to Panza's for a figure drawing session. (maybe the model will wear a sombrero)
The probably 80's night at Belvedere's for cheap alcohol and bad dancing. Ole'!
Friday the art begins.
The Looking Glass Project will have a preview show at the Art Institute in the morning. Then Friday Evening it's Unblurred on Penn Ave. I'm not showing anything, but I'll be out supporting the scene. Personally I look forward to Cory Bonnet at Most Wanted Fine art.
And Modern Formation's Smitten should be a good show.
Saturday I have several art happenings:
First is the much anticipated Looking Glass Show at Artform. I'll be showing along side many local and international artists. Including Boris Vallejo.... yeah..... you heard me. Boris f'n Vajello is in this show. Don't ask how or why.... just go see it. The opening is 2pm to 11pm so you have plenty of time to fit it into your schedule.
Then the opening of Fleeting Pages. This is important because its local people taking back over sized stores and showcasing their own local talent. You will be able to find my book on figure drawing, and handmade work by many other local artists and writers. This could be gold mine of talent. Definitely check it out.
Panza Gallery is having an opening for Patrick Lee, a very talented painter. It should be very impressive.
And lastly the Tsunami Victims fundraiser I mentioned earlier.
Cattivo is hosting Sinferno tonight, which is hosting Elsie's Playground, which is hosting an art raffle/ clothing drive for the victims in Japan.
Inception references aside this should be a fun, freaky night. And if you come (preferably dressed as an Anime character) you can win a painting by me. Plus sushi, saki, dj's, burlesque, dancing and a real wild time.
Sunday is of course Mother's Day. So I'll be doing whatever she wants to do.. no matter how hungover I am. Hope you do the same.
Or you can find more info at my website:
Labels: art, art pgh, gallery crawl., scene