Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I was interviewd by Gay Life TV recently. Laine & Lyndsey are wonderful hosts, but i'm not all that comfortable in front of the camera.

I'm also featured in the July issue of the Bulletin.

I'll be painting live at the Cleveland Waterloo art festival. If you are in the area, check it out.

Also I have another show in Detroit. This time at the Funhouse gallery.
Should be a good show.

And as always there is more art in the works. Prepare to be amazed.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra?

...If you get the reference.
I've been thiking about this episode and the question as to whether or not such a language could exist:
Darmok has been reviewed here:
the discussion about the language continues here:
(and is an interesting episode... recommended if you haven't already seen it. )

So is a self- referential language based on metaphor practical?
Probably not.. but it is possible ...after all this is the language of contemporary fine art.
So many art students learn all the classics and then spend their career re-working and referencing what they learned in school.

"Goya, 3rd of May".

referencing a previous piece adds layers of meaning to the later work... and gives it some credibility... the artist must know SOMETHING to be referencing other art.

To the outsider it may look like plagiarism...just copying. Why not do soemthing original?
Except the original... isn't so original. It also references other work.
 Tiepolo's 1722 St. Bartholomew 
Newsprint images from the day

The execution of the Russians by French soldiers in 1812 - description:
1813 State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

"Original" really just means disguising your sources better.
Goya is just one example of many... there are plenty of examples used in this art language.

Picasso re-worked and referenced many MANY classical forefathers in his body of work. (that would deserve it's own series)
Lichtenstien, Warhol are famous for "appropriating" images.
When we approve of the result... they are "appropriated".
When we don't like them or don't like the artist... they are "plagarized" and "stolen" by a "hack".
see: Shepard Fairey and this particularly critical article by Mark Vallen:

But as we all know... nothing is original.. it all comes from somewhere:

It's how art is done. We reference something, somewhere.
We use metaphor. We cross reference metaphors and reverse the meaning.... and then back again.
You have to know your history. And you have to add your own into it.

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Sunday, June 09, 2013


here's a link to the interview

my interview by Sue Kerr

Sue Kerr is a tireless advocate and journalist for LGBTQ issues in PGH and abroad.
Her blog is

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Thursday, June 06, 2013


Report: SUPER! show at the GLCC

Celebrating everything from the high camp to heart wrenching inspiration of the superhero & Comic book culture.  The work will be on view till September.

Print donated by Glen Hanson. 
A huge thank you to everyone involved and in attendance.

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