Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Painting Live at PERSAD

What the hell is PERSAD? 
PERSAD offers health services, counseling, eductaion and advocacy for the LGBTQ commmunity, anyone affected with HIV?AIDS and thier family members.
I have been donating art for the art auction since 2008, before that I volunteered for several PERSAD fundraising events.
This year  I will be painting LIVE with Lauren Toohey on the spot during the Underwriter's Circle Party. The resulting masterpiece will be up for auction in May for the big fundraiser, Art for Change.

The Underwriters Circle Party, a.ka. the VIP event, will be held on Thursday, April 11 at Jay Verno Studios on the South Side. 
This year's Art for Change event will be held on Monday, May 13 at the August Wilson Center for African American Culture.
Persad's largest and most successful fund raising event will be celebrating the 25th year of Art for AIDS, which has raised over $3.75 million dollars to support Persad's Free Care Fund; allowing Persad to offer quality services to all clients regardless of their ability to pay.

Live painting is quite a draw nowadays. It's most exciting when the artist has a flow, a master of gesture, a rhythm. It's not just the resulting work. (although it certiainly helps if its good.) But the action of making art. NOt only the record of the artist's actions. But witnessing the actions itself. This. Is. Action. Painting.
And I can do this. I can do this quite well. I can hold my own against anyone. The past has proven that Lauren and I can make some great work together.
You are going to want to see this.

You can get tickets to the event

If you can make it, but want to chip in to PERSAD, you can donate at their website

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