Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Defining Pornography

Pornography is.... anything you don't like.....

No, wait. Let me start again.
Pornography is media that depicts sexual acts with little or no regard to Artistic Skill; such as lighting, composition, design, color, line, pacing, skill, etc.

Erotic Art considers Artistic Skill to be as important or more important than the sex act represented.
Erotic Art can be just as adult or hardcore as any pornography it's more Aesthetically deliberate or Artfully done.

So if you find a work of mine to be “too adult” or too hardcore for a particular time and place that's understandable.
But calling it pornography is to insult the artistic skill that went into it.
Learn the difference.

All figure art has the potential to arouse the viewer.
It also has the potential to dredge up any psychological and self- esteem issues in the viewer as well.
So I understand that someone's reaction to my art can have way more to do with them than me.
But that's still no excuse to act like an ass.

If you call my work “pornographic”, I have the right to defend it since you are calling into question my artistic skill as much as my choice of subject matter. I have spent years practicing figure drawing like an elite world athlete and I can hold my own against almost anybody.

So take a moment next time you are "offended" and shout "pornography" and demand a work be taken down.  If you can't verbalize your offense or explain what you mean...then maybe you are not qualified to make such a decision.

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