Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Thomas Kinkade arrested on alleged DUI.

The painter of light and morals takes a dive.
Actual description from his website:
"The moral order of God's universe is like an exquisite tapestry; the foundational values of the good life interweave in a seamless whole. In my Life Values Collection, I explore the connections between these divinely inspired values. Perseverance, the first issue, considers life as a voyage through stormy seas--a test of faith and a demonstration of God's sustaining love. Courage, my new Life Values painting, expands the metephor of a sea voyage, bringing us to the moment of divine inspiration, when God graceds us with courage beyond the merely human--the resolve we nee dto overcome any obsticle. I make full use of a vocabulary of personal artistic symbols to convey this message: God rewards our perseverance with his gift of courage. Our lone sailor has come within sight of a lighthouse; the beacon of divine love will guide him to shore. Smoke curls from the chimney of the keeper's solid brick cottage, hinting at domestic comforts within. A sublime radiance breaks through the clouds, embracing the boat in its holy light. I painted Courage at a time when I was especially grateful for God's hand of deliverance in my life. May it remind you that courage is, truly, a gift from the Almighty." [spelling as is from website.]
--Thomas Kinkade
where you can buy his artwork... or rather a color copy of it starting at $230.00

Contrast that with the Thomas Kinkade ducking an employee lawsuit by declaring bankruptcy (so much for courage). The Kinkade that gets drunk and urinate on a statue of Whinnie the Pooh at Disneyland...... drunk and public pissing at Disneyland!!! There's some life values for you.

And now the poor man is being "tested" by God with new allegations of Drunk Driving.

I never liked his art because I never believed he was sincere. It seemed he had found a niche to market too. A demographic outside the traditional art world and was exploiting it fully; a fancy color reproduction starts at $230.00. $230.00 for a color copy? (NO. It is NOT a print!) But there was no way he could walk his talk. Who could? Being dishonest, exploitive and hypocritical garnered him a lot of criticism.
But if there is any gift from the Almighty, its karma.
The world has a way of giving us back what we send out in a way that is often so humbling.
Can't wait to see what happens next.

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