Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp
James Arthur Ray is one of the authors involved in “The Secret” a popular and profitable self-help, new age phenomenon. The Secret is mostly based on the supposed Law of Attraction that states you manifest your reality with your thoughts. Everything good and bad has been created by the way you think; therefore you have full responsibility for everything that happens to you… good and bad.
So when something like… say three people die and many more injured under his guidance does he take responsibility?
No, of course not.
Sweat lodges are not something to mess around with or experiment with. It is disrespectful to the culture and ancestors of that culture to bastardize sacred rites.
The lodge was built improperly and it became dangerous. It was conducted improperly and that became dangerous. He was not properly trained. If someone is not a tribal member; most likely they are not trained properly. The only way to be trained properly is through the oral teachings of tribal elders. And you know what? Tribal elders are kinda picky these days about who they teach ceremonies too. Its not something you can learn on the internet or through books. There are songs and spirits involved in a sweat lodge that only respond to native language, not English. And money is never involved. You don’t pay to pray.
You encounter anyone professing Native American teachings? Check here first; http://www.newagefraud.org/smf/index.php
Being snowed in has given me time to work on a few things.
Been making a few changes to my figure drawing book; refining it and making improvements here and there. I want plenty of examples to show students how it is done.
I am offering advanced copies direct to anyone interested. Payment can be made with Paypal.
You can order an advanced copy for your own, And even get it signed by me.
The clothing Optional Show is coming to a close. Stop by Artforms gallery and tattoo to check it out one last time.
2603 Leechburg, Rd. Lower Burrell, PA 15068
For more info: www.myspace.com/artformtattoo
And I’ve also been keeping busy making new work for my next show at Most Wanted Fine Art. The opening will be Friday, February 5th as part of Unblurred on Penn Ave. This should be a good time. Hope to see you there.
First Friday, Feb. 5th, 2010 /6p-12p / Most Wanted Fine Art / 5015 Penn Ave
Lauren Toohey and Sam Thorp will be displaying their provocative imagery in an awesome gallery setting! These paintings have been captivating viewers for years, with their sense of wit and style. The pairing of these two artists complements their respective markmaking with heavy line work and brightly colored figures. The viewer will find Sam and Lauren's image very titillating and easy to read. Please join us opening night for free!
Bands start at 9pm, opening with the legendary Grand Snafu and followed by His Girl Friday.
On Friday January 22, 2010, fast>>fwd Gallery will be hosting an Art Market party. Look for my work amongst the great selection.

Saturday January 23, 2010 My work will be part of the Thursday Night Figure drawing group show.

First Friday, Feb. 5th, 2010 /6p-12p / Most Wanted Fine Art / 5015 Penn Ave
Lauren Toohey and Sam Thorp will be displaying their provocative imagery in an awesome gallery setting! These paintings have been captivating viewers for years, with their sense of wit and style. The pairing of these two artists complements their respective markmaking with heavy line work and brightly colored figures. The viewer will find Sam and Lauren's image very titillating and easy to read. Please join us opening night for free!
Bands start at 9pm, opening with the legendary Grand Snafu and followed by His Girl Friday.