Further art discussions and notifications for the artwork of Sam Thorp
Goals can be set anytime. But many ppl including me, will set special goals this time of year.
I’m not going to tell you what goals to set. Or even the best way to go about them. Only you can decide that. But keep in mind there are times of expansion and contractions, ups and downs, growing and dying; what is most important is that you keep going.
Here are a few things that worked for me. (Which is why I’ll write them in 1st person.)
Take a look. Keep what is useful. Discard what is not. Add your own way of doing things.
Goals Part One: brainstorming.I simply write down everything and anything I want. This isn’t always easy because of self-censorship. “that’s just silly.” “that will never happen” “what would grandma think?” <- all has to be left behind. I try to find a safe place (inside and out) and just write. I try to make sure I address the needs and wants of all areas of my life.
Areas of my life?
Well these are mine, feel free to make your own.

Physical body
Creativity & art
Career & work
Spiritual connections
Family & domestic life
Wealth & charity
Social life & reputation
Travel & luxury
Emotional & romance
This is a raw data, flow of consciousness, wish list. But the first and most important step is to write it all down.
Goals Part two: Organize and planI take the raw wish list and start breaking it down to more specifics. Maybe I will put them into the 9 categories mentioned in part one. Maybe it will be the MOST important to least. Maybe I’ll organize them easiest to most challenging. Maybe I’ll put each goal on an index card or sheet of paper or move to a computer at this point..
Now I need to pay attention to language and phrasing. Be more specific. “lose weight” is vague “trim body fat down to 32%” is more specific. “more money” is vague “earn $35,000 this year” is specific. It should be written in a positive way. [ the importance of the exact and specific words will be familiar to anyone who has done spell work and for many for the same reasons]
Goals part two and a half: break it down in to easy steps.Now I am ready for the HOW. The game plan. I write this down as well as a checklist. If any goal or step seems overwhelming, I’ll break it down in to smaller steps. If I have no clue HOW, I’ll search for someone who has down something similar and learn from them.
Goals part three: Set a time limit.Be reasonable. Some things may take more than year. Some things may have to wait for summer or a different season. Some things may require me to pace myself. But I’ll jot stuff down in my monthly planner to keep me on target.
Goals part four: DO.Actually follow through. Not get distracted with the daily maintenance, bill paying or surprise dramas that inevitably come along.
It helps to remind myself WHY I want these goals. What will I really benefit from this? What will I really lose out on if I drop the ball? Remember there’s more to achieving these goals than just “having more money” or “losing weight”. Its about becoming a better person; all I have to learn, the person I have to become to achieve these goals; THAT is the real payoff.
Crap will happen. Distractions will come and go. There will be setbacks and failures.
Again I remind myself to keep trying. If that doesn’t work, try something else. If THAT doesn’t work, try something else. If that STILL doesn’t work, try something else.
Let me know what you think.
it has always been my policy that the most important tool in learning to draw is the model. Your skill will suffer if you don't use live models. they should be treated with reverence and respect.
on the other hand i'm sure this story is getting an extra attention because its naked....
which states:
Paris City Hall wants to strip art school models of the tips they receive from painters and sculptors – and the nude models decided they weren’t going to take that with their clothes on.
About 15 models braved near-freezing temperatures to strip outside the city’s cultural affairs bureau Monday to protest a new municipal order that again bans the age-old practice of tipping those who pose nude. The order affects about 100 people.
City officials say the tips have long been illegal – it’s just that enforcement has lagged – and they pledged to discuss ways of boosting the models’ pay.
“The hourly pay is euro11 ($14.86), or a little bit more than a housekeeper earns,” said Christophe Girard, cultural adviser to Mayor Bertrand Delanoe.